Design Ku Di CIPLAK!!

3:07 PM Kai 0 Comments

Bila dah lama tinggal kerja DESIGNER ni rasa macam pelik je...rasa macam ada kekurangan sesuatu...(.")?...

Jiwa masih berjiwa SENI...cuma dh kurang aktif..masih boleh buat design walaupun nampak agak out of date...but still can do better...(*_*)~ Tapi....baru je kejap tadi duk belek2 FB...ada ternampak 1 design ni....macam pernah ku lihat je....bukak2 rupa2 nya, Oh design custom ku telah diciplak....hmm...kuciwa ada la jgk sbb yg amik design ni budak 1 tempat keje dulu....walaupun tak berapa design aku tu dh jadi macam template lak...main amik copy and paste je...macam mudah keje diorang....aku ni yang pecah kepala masa belajar wat design dulu....Tapi sekarang bukan budak2 lame je amik design tu...client2 yg yang bijak pandai pun de ciplak la....huhu...hanya file original je ada pada jela bukti...nak marah pun dah tak boleh sebab aku sendiri yang stop kerja orang lain amik pun aku tak perasan...ntah2 dah ramai kat luar sana guna design lain mana pandai wat blank2 ni...aku ngan Sifo0 aku je pandai...dan hanya Sifo0 aku je tau design tu sape punye...dia pun ada marah aku dah tak amik job wat custom org kawen ni...prestasi aku memang drop dia tetap suke custom birthday yang aku buat...hehe tq Sifo0...ape-ape pun sape2 yg dah banyak kali ciplak wa punye design...wa dah tak heran...sekarang wa buat lagi BEST dari dulu ok...

Cuma wa kuciwa je sebab dah lame tak buat design...rasa RINDU...sangat2...huhu sedih...



3:18 AM Kai 0 Comments

What will I be years from now
What will I wear, how will I look
I think too much, I think too much

Sometimes it's scary over thinking
What you have or haven't done
You think too much, you think too much

Will the rain smell the same
Will our loosing treacherous game
And the star much shine
The colours seem so blurry

Will I end up all alone
Without a shoulder to cry on

What will I be years from now
I have answered them but none have answered me
And when my time has come
I hope my last seconds in this life will have you
Will have you

Will the rain smell the same
Will our loosing treacherous game
And neglect most people who
Seems so worthy

(lagu AIZAT AF)

Azam nye...hmmm...utk terus maju...maju...maju...dan maju...dan diberkati..Amin...